1-800- who–am -I-?
1 - 800 – HOW - AM — I — FEELING ?………………
often of late, Neil Young ……….
The ”neanderthal” hero of the past several decades.
Just now lis’nin to WFMU…..the only radio station I ever listen to, discovered while living on 11th street and B in 1991, many screwball techniques had to be devised to receive the signal, tinfoil in my underwear not being one of them.
“Talking All That Jazz” Stetsasonic,
My daughter and my niece, both self styled in Daryl K.
I remember the feeling of knowing that RAP and hip-hop was the next wave and most definitely here to stay when many around me thought it was a passing fad… Grandmasterflash extending the break….Kurtis Blow scratchin’, ……….all that scratchin’ is makin’ me itch……..
Now on WFMu, “”wishing and hoping”‘….nice toon., cocktail version though,, I do love Dionne Warwick.
Hippy Stroll by Thiaz Itch,
…………really reminds me of my old friend Chris Brick when he had “Smylon-NYlon”
An enduring DJ interviewing MGMT who are handling his ‘theatricks’ very well, Nardwuar and The Human Serviette Show, you can endure it all on the www.wfmu.org slash recent archives.
For FNO ( Fashion Night Out if you’re cool enough not to know what this means) this year Sep, 10th 2010, we’re collaborating with our new neighbours United Nude on outfitting their performers in Daryl K with United Nude footwear. ”No Bra” will also perform “She was a Butcher ” in our store, we’re pretty sure we’ll have liquor of some sort too.